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Green Party of Alberta Leader to run in Banff - Kananaskis in 2023 election

Photo from Green Party of Alberta Website

In a message posted to the Green Party of Alberta website, Party Leader Jordan Wilkie has announced that he will officially be the Green candidate in the riding of Banff - Kananaskis for the upcoming 2023 Alberta Election.

Wilkie writes that his intentions are to run where Greens are needed most, "It is my great honour to announce my intention to run as the GPA candidate for the riding of Banff - Kananaskis in the next election.

"Banff - Kananaskis is a very special riding that stretches from the mountains surrounding Lake Louise, through the tourist haven of Banff, the vibrant town of Canmore, the honourable Stoney Nakoda and Tsuut'ina Nations, to the ranches of Bragg Creek, and rural/urban beauty of Springbank," he added.

Wilkie added that he plans to understand the hopes and needs of the people of the riding before the next election, "It is my highest intention to serve the people and the mountain parks ecosystem the same way I serve as a firefighter and first responder... to answer the call regardless of the challenges and serve with all my heart and dedication."

The current incumbent MLA is United Conservative Party MLA Miranda Rosin. The Alberta New Democrat's currently have 3 candidates vying for their party nominations.

During the 2019 provincial election the Green Party of Alberta had no candidate in the riding of Banff - Kananaskis.

Wilkie has been the leader of the Green Party of Alberta since March of 2020. He is a firefigher by trade.


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