Vol. 2 Ep. 9 Francine Honey

Hard-luck stories can have happy endings. Especially in Francine Honey's world.
"Some of these songs are about going through tough times and then getting to the other side," the Ontario singer-songwriter says of her third record To Be Continued... "I know I've certainly been through my share of struggles. But it's important to have hope and know you're not alone. If you're going through something, someone else has gone through it too. And you have to remember: You don't know what's around the corner. Your 'to be continued…' might be beyond what you ever imagined."
She speaks from experience. Some five years after her first album — a homemade Christmas present for friends and family — the divorced mother of two and former federal civil servant is living the dream. She has the love of her life, the career she long denied herself, and an album that showcases her most striking and stirring compositions. "I'm so happy," she says. "I'm really proud of this record and how it all came together."
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Website: www.francinehoney.com
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